Colin Nelson


Converted 4x4 walk-in closet


Apollo Twin X


AudioTechnica AT4040


Adobe Audition


Recording with a Macbook Pro

Video chat and Source Connect ready

Download Speed: 200+ mbps
Upload speed: 25 mbps


Greetings Y’all! I appreciate you stopping by!

I’m Colin Nelson. I’m a Texas transplant to California where I happily live and broker peace between my two warring tuxedo cats, Willy and Gunther. I have a BA in Philosophy, I love 2-D Fighting Games, curry, RPGs, and Giant Robots! My hope is to voice act for a character who pilots one someday! My childhood dream of being a voice actor is becoming a reality, and the desire only grows the more I discover new and exciting ways to play with my instrument. I also have a passion for cooking and food. For just shy of a decade, I’ve been a part of the behind the scenes Culinary Team for many popular cooking shows that are still regularly airing today. 

I’ve had 4+ years of regular acting training with some of the best talents in the business. You can find my demos and contact info at the top of this page. Or you could just be here for pictures of the cats….which is fair. I would be too.

I am actively seeking representation! I hope I can be a great fit for your project.

Follow your dreams and all the best to you,
— Colin
